About Azteca University

UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA legally represented by Azteca Inter-University Programs, hereinafter called AZTECA UNIVERSITY. Azteca Inter-University Programs S.C. is a Civil Society incorporated under the laws as stated in Public Deed 22335, dated May 27, 2014, granted before the Lic. Manuel Enrique Oliveros Lara, Notary Public No. 100 at the Federal District, which was duly registered with the Directorate General of the Public Registry of Property and Commerce under No. 110596 dated June 23, 2014. With Federal Tax Registry as API140528927 and address for these purposes of this contract is located in, Calle Teotihuacán N°18 Col. Hipódromo, Delegación Cuauhtémoc México D.F., C.P. 06100. Azteca Inter-University Programs S.C. is legally representing International and Inter-University Programs from UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA (Azteca University) and the joint inter-university programme with Associated Universities, hereinafter referred to as Inter-University Programs represented by the purposes of the execution and operation of this agreement by his Legal Representative & Director & Chair of International Programmes Dr. Ricardo R. Saavedra, authorized by Dr. José Agustin López González, Rector Magnificus (Chancellor) of UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA (Azteca University), with headquartered in Palma Esquina 3 de Mayo, S/N, Barrio San Antonio, Chalco, Edo. Mexico. CP. 56600. Tel / + 52 (55) 5986-3050

Key Features of IJASE

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Articles in IJASE are open Access Under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY). This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, is not changed in any way, and is not used for commercial purposes.

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Revenue Sources

International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering(ISSN:2321-0745) , is a self-financed open access journal, which is published in both online and print version. Article publication charges levied to authors is the main source of income which is utilized in maintaining the administrative and the printing cost. Also a very non-significant part of revenue also comes from the subscription. The APC is based on adjusted scale, providing reduced rates for low and middle income countries on the publication charges. Operating expense including the cost of web presence, print version, pre-press preparations, and staff salaries is supported by above mentioned resources.

Editorial Office:

Director & Chair,
International Programs
Azteca University, Barrio San Antonio
México, North America
Email: editor@intjappscengineering.com

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International Journal of Applied Science & Engineering(IJASE)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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