Year: 2014 | Month: April | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Influence of Fiber Volume Fraction, Fiber Angle and Hole Size on the Stress Concentration around the Circular Hole of an Orthotropic Lamina under unidirectional in Plane Loading

DOI:Coming soon...


This work examines the effect of fiber angle, fiber volume fraction and hole size on the stress concentration around the circular hole of (AS4/3501-6) carbon/Epoxy lamina subjected to unidirectional in plane loading. Three independent fiber volume fractions and fiber orientations for three different hole sizes are considered. Both analytical and finite element solutions are presented using micro and macro mechanics approaches of analysis of orthotropic lamina and by using ANSYS10 finite element package. The analysis is initially carried out by fixing the hole size and by varying the other two parameters (fiber angle and fiber volume fraction). Next, the fixing parameter is interchanged in a cyclic fashion and the process is continued. It is found that the whole size and fiber orientation have greater influence on the stress intensity concentration around the hole vicinity compared to fiber volume fraction.

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International Journal of Applied Science & Engineering(IJASE)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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