Year: 2017 | Month: December | Volume 5 | Issue 2

Digital Divide and Internet Saathi: A Social Computing and Informatics Practice Project for Empowering Indian Women



Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks and it offers a multitude of services to the users. It is the network of networks used mainly to transmit text and visual messages instantly such as electronic mail (email). The internet is used through world wide web succinctly called as www has vast information in the domain of public and private consisting of, academic, business, government, research, trade and so on. Internet is offered by several means or methods which include Satellite, electronic, wireless optical network etc. It is mainly accessible through Internet Protocol (IP) enabled www platform. Initially the program had started in 1969for a private use but gradually it spreads around the world due to its numerous
benefits and cost advantage. But today the world is digitally divided, it is a fact that in many developing and underdeveloped countries access to internet is limited to rich and it is highly gender biased. Access to Internet services have several disparities among men and women in India despite Indian government’s flagship programme of Digital India which aims at transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. In many cases, Internet connections are restricted or offered on very limited basis and also in some cases centered to cater only men and highly restricted to women. In order to bridge this internet gap among women the ‘Internet Saathi’ program is launched jointly by the Google India, Tata Trust, Intel India—to cater Internet Services to the Indian women and remove disparities between the Indian men and women. In this backdrop, the Papermakes an attempt study its impact on the access of internet among women based on the secondary data and the background of a case study.

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